Primal Health Coach

Eat, move, and live the way our ancestors did in order to thrive in a modern world.


What is a Primal

Health Coach?

A Primal Health Coach educates, motivates and guides clients toward lifestyle and behavior changes that support optimal well-being.

I work one-on-one with you to get back to eating real food, moving as humans are supposed to move, and sleeping and living according to our natural rhythms, all of which foster maximum health.

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Who Are You?

I offer two different programs for two distinct groups:

  1. Men of all ages who are looking to get leaner, stronger, faster, and lower their chances of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

  2. Men and women 50+ years old who are looking to improve their cognitive health by preventing, stalling, or reversing cognitive decline commonly found with Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


What Can You Expect?

  • 1:1 health coaching with weekly check-ins

  • Support, guidance, and accountability

  • A sustainable approach to nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle change

  • A plan based on the latest nutritional and exercise science, epigenetic study, and behavior change

  • The knowledge and skills to take back your health- for life


What my clients say

“Through discipline comes freedom.”


Contact Grant

Email: grant (at)

Based in Greenville, South Carolina

Supporting clients everywhere