Why Primal
The Basics
The premise of primal/ancestral health is that our hunter-gatherer ancestors were incredibly lean and fit- free from the chronic diseases afflicting modern humans like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
Ancestral health gets us back to eating real, whole foods, moving as humans were meant to move, and sleeping and living according to our natural rhythms. It’s cracked the code to optimal human health.
How Did We Get Here?
Three-quarters of men and 60% of women are overweight; 40% of adults are obese. Every one of us knows someone affected by chronic disease. It’s clear that what we’ve been doing isn’t working.
Over the past 50 years, conventional health authorities have provided misguided and downright harmful nutritional guidelines leading to the disease, decline, and early death of countless Americans.
Flawed science and political corruption led to the victimization of saturated fat and cholesterol in favor of low-fat, grain-based diets full of sugar and toxic industrial seed oils.
A Broken Medical System
Our current medical system is great for treating acute injuries but misses the mark for chronic conditions like diabetes, arthritis, and high blood pressure.
Many doctors are so busy that they can’t spend the proper amount of time with patients and are therefore quick to write prescriptions which alleviate symptoms, but do not address the root cause.
This creates a vicious cycle keeping patients dependent on drugs for the rest of their lives. Great for Big Pharma, terrible for us.
The Solution: Looking Back to Move Forward
As we look back to our primal ancestors, we see that they didn’t suffer from chronic diseases and surely weren’t taking prescription medicines. The logical question to ask is why?
It’s becoming clear that our modern lifestyle of consuming processed and sugary food and beverages, sitting around all day, and feeling chronically stressed are largely to blame.
At Groves Health, I know that each of my clients has the keys to unlock their ideal state of health; whether it’s losing body fat, living longer, thinking clearer, or simply feeling better in their day-to-day lives.
I know firsthand that a healthier body means a healthier mind; which can be life-changing. My commitment is to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and discipline to take back your health for the rest of your life.
“As a society we’ve become so sick, weak, and broken, we accept the abnormal as normal.”
-Robb Wolf